Reaping the Rewards
In a recent post I talked extensively about commitment and how sticking to your game plan will eventually pay off. You may come up empty handed day after day but if you keep going your turn will come. I’m not saying you won’t catch fish along the way, and depending on what your particular goal is you may reach is sooner than later.
Its important to understand that across the country goals vary. You may be looking for your first swimbait fish, a 4 lber, an 8 lber, or for the Texans in the crowd, a Share-a-Lunker. Or maybe you’re just looking to catch more fish, these are all great goals and are all achievable in time. Whatever your goal is, creating a game plan and following through is the only way to achieve it.
Yes, you can hire guides, use live bait, or try to glean something from the “dock talk”, these things can speed up the learning curve but in the end nothing replaces time on the water.
On a recent trip I was rewarded with a beautiful 11.5 lb bass. The fish was great, but the conditions were anything but. Most anglers had already given up and headed for the ramp but we decided to hold out and fish a little longer. I was armed with a sweatshirt and flip flops, not the sort of gear one should be wearing during a harsh spring storm in the mountains. Logic said to pack up and head for the protection of the truck but my goals mandated that I continue to fish.
Through the shakes, shivers, and yeah, a little bit of whining, something magical happened. The bite turned on. Out of seemingly no where two fish bit back to back. We went from no fish, to two fish for over 17 lbs
The moral of the story is to keep going. Remember to respect your surroundings and know your limits but if at all possible stick to your plan. The big fish are there and when the time is right, they bite. If you wrap it up and head for the ramp you’ll never know what could have been.